[🇺🇸] Anayansi cracker and create hashes
A script for crack or create a hashes and passwords!
Mar 30 2024
Python, Tools
Anayansi is a script for crack or create a hash written in python, multiplatform for windows and linux.
Creator Hash
Cracker Hash
Supported Hash Formats
- MD5
- SHA1
- SHA256
- SHA384
- SHA512
💻 Installation
Execute the commands according to your case (Win or Linux)
pyhon for windows python3 for Linux
Clone or Download this Repository
#BASHgit clone https://github.com/Rawierdt/Anayansi.git
Update Repositories
#BASHsudo apt update
Change Directory
#BASHcd Anayansi
Run the setup.py file
#BASHpython3 setup.py
OR install the dependencies manually
#BASHpip install -r requirements.txt
Run the project
#BASHpython3 anayansi.py
Or for windows
#BASHpython anayansi.py
MD5 Cracker function
#PYTHONdef md5(): """ MD5 is for Decrypting Raw MD5 Hash""" hash = input( Fore.GREEN + " [" + Fore.RED + 'x' + Fore.GREEN + "]" + Style.RESET_ALL + " Enter the Hash : " + Fore.GREEN) w_list = input( Fore.GREEN + " [" + Fore.RED + 'x' + Fore.GREEN + "]" + Style.RESET_ALL + " Input Full Path of Wordlist : " + Fore.GREEN) print(Style.RESET_ALL) pass_file = open(w_list, "r") for i in pass_file: file_enc = i.encode('utf-8') md_hash = hashlib.md5(file_enc.strip()).hexdigest() if md_hash == hash: print(Fore.GREEN + " Password Found :", i + Style.RESET_ALL) break else: print(Fore.RED + " Password Not Found !!!" + Style.RESET_ALL)
What is Wordlist?
A "Wordlist" is a list of words or characters listed in a text file, an example of which is "rockyou.txt", and others. I will not provide the Wordlist mentioned, but searching for it is not complicated.
MD5 Create function
#PYTHONdef md5(): text = input(Fore.GREEN + " [" + Fore.RED + 'x' + Fore.GREEN + "]" + Style.RESET_ALL + " Enter String : " + Fore.GREEN + Style.RESET_ALL) md5 = hashlib.md5(text.encode('utf8').strip()).hexdigest() print(f"\n MD5 Hash : {Fore.GREEN}{md5}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n")
✅ ⬇ Download ⬇
Available for Mac, Linux and Windows 10 / 11.